The detailed documentation of our Artist Lab “Get labelled: Parents in Theatres!” is ready! To view and download as pdf:
The artistic director of the Radialsystem, Matthias Mohr, was from the beginning very open to a pilot test for family-friendly design around an event at the house. The anniversary event of the children’s dance company of Sasha Waltz & Guests on 17.9.2023 with the performance “In C – next generation”, for which a young audience was expected, was suitable for this.
Ag Dance and Parenting was approached by Felicitas Zeeden of the Tanzfabrik last winter already, to exchange ideas on how to make the venue more family-friendly. On this basis, we approached the Tanzfabrik in the summer to get them on board for our test run as part of the Artist Lab “Get Labelled: Parents in […]
Get labeled: Parents in theaters! – an evaluation lab of Ag Tanz und Elternschaft: On July 1, we started our new Artist Lab together with ZTB e.V.. In exchange with artists, networks and initiatives and in collaboration with three Berlin venues, we are developing criteria and best-practice models that enable parents interested in dance/art to participate as an audience.
In several ARTIST LABs, the Berlin-based Ag Tanz und Elternschaft (Dance and Parenthood Working) exchanges ideas with other (inter)national initiatives and artists from dance and other art disciplines on the topic of dance/art and parenthood with the following core questions:
17.6. Lab with artists from other art disciplines 8.7. online Lab with international dance artists 9.7. Lab with nationwide initiatives and individual artists 24.08. final lab of the Ag Dance and ParenthoodWhat (artistic) perspectives do dance artists in parenthood develop during the pandemic? How can central structures (funding, theaters, venues for training and residencies) in the dance scene be made more accessible to them and new networks be established?
Useful information for (artist)parents and further links nationwide and internationally
We, the Ag Tanz und Elternschaft (Dance and Parenthood), are an association / initiative of Berlin dance artists with the goal of improving the working conditions of dance professionals in parenthood. Founded in ZTB (Zeitgenössischer Tanz Berlin) e.V. in November 2020, we work self-organized and on a voluntary basis. We meet once a month online, since summer 2022 also in presence/live.